Benghazi Survivors at Odds with Official White House Story

Posted on May 7, 2013. Filed under: Politics | Tags: , , |

The 'peaceful" religion of Islam

The ‘peaceful” religion of Islam

Now that the Benghazi survivors are starting to step forward, this administration is going into full blown defense mode. The president said the other day that he didn’t know anything about the Benghazi survivors being blocked from testifying.

It is an oft repeated refrain from this man, that he doesn’t know. As the “leader” of the Free World, isn’t it his job to know?

It seems like every time I turn around, Obama isn’t aware of what’s going on. Not surprising for a man who skips most of his briefings.

[Reporter Ed] Henry turned to Benghazi and asked Obama if his administration has been actively attempting to intimidate the survivors of that September 11, 2012, attack on an American consulate in Libya into not testifying about the events of that night.

“Ed, I’m not familiar with this notion that anybody’s been blocked by testifying,” Obama replied.

“They’ve hired an attorney because they’re saying that they’ve been blocked from coming forward,” Henry pressed.

“I’m not familiar with it,” Obama reiterated.

Have we ever had a President who was so disengaged? I would expect that jay Carney has things he does not know, and would say so, but the President? Come on! It’s your job to know!

He makes an oblique reference to terrorism on September 12, 2012, then claims he called the attacks terrorism.

All while SOS Clinton said it was due to a video, and Ambassador Susan Rice was saying it was a video, and the president himself claimed it was because of a video.

The evidence is mounting that they knew from the beginning it was a terrorist attack. THEY KNEW!

“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans,” Clinton responded, raising her voice at Johnson, who continued to interrupt her. “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk last night who decided to kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.”

What difference does it make why they died? It makes a lot of difference. Did they die because of some stupid video? Did they die because the US was trying to run arms to Syria, ala Fast & Furious? Did they die because you cut back on security there in the face of requests for more security?

What matters is that this administration has tried to sweep this under the rug. After all, Hillary is gearing up to be the next President in 2016. Despite the fact that she may be a bigger train wreck than Obama. Hillarycare anyone?

Hillary couldn’t get out fast enough after this happened and Congress started asking questions. She waited as long as she could before testifying to them.

A reporter asked State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell if the witnesses were credible, a question Ventrell dodged. He would not give support to any State Department people. He did, however, go after Republicans for continuing to sniff around by saying that the investigation appears to be politicized.

Of course Democrats are going to try to protect their president from being convicted of any wrongdoing.

The two witnesses in question are somewhat high ranking officials within the State Department: Greg Hicks, who was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, and Mark Thompson, who was the deputy coordinator for operations in the department’s counter-terrorism division.

I would say they are credible.

The White House, in the meantime is scrambling to, as it often does, deflect criticism from the President.

“There was an accountability review board led by two men of unimpeachable expertise and credibility,” Mr. Carney said, “who oversaw a process that was rigorous and unsparing, that was highly critical in some areas and that produced a series of recommendations that have all been acted on by the State Department, as the president insisted be the case.”

I’m sure that these men are of unimpeachable credibility and expertise, but something is wrong when the government is investigating the government. That’s asking the wolf to investigate the fox to see if he took any chickens.

An independent panel needs to be set up, not a governmental panel.

What is most disturbing to me is the special forces troops that were in Tripoli, an hour away from Benghazi via airlift, and they were told to stand down.

“The model of the military is to leave no person behind, and it’s stunning and unacceptable to think we had military willing and ready to go and the Pentagon told them to stand down. That’s just not the American way,” Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said.

Still, Leon Panetta and members of the Department of Defense watched them die real time while the President slept, everyone afraid to wake him.

Even though the State Department claims that they have always encouraged people to speak up, you know it is just like any other company. Speak up, and you risk losing your job.

Keep in mind, however, that this whole thing could end up in Hillary’s lap, not Obama’s. While she has taken responsibility for all of this, she has paid no price. Remember, she was already on her way out when she testified.

I’m not saying that government officials be put in jail for every bad decision they make. The minimum they should lose is their jobs, and I’m not talking about letters of resignation, I’m talking about the president firing them.

But if a poor decision results in people losing their lives, there should be jail time involved. Serious jail time.

Look at the list:

  • Brian Terry
  • Christopher Stevens
  • Sean Smith
  • Tyrone Woods
  • Glen Doherty

Holder should have been jailed along with Clinton. This is beyond mere neglect, this borders on the criminal.

How many times is the press going to give this administration a pass? I’m not talking about impeaching Obama over this, I’m talking about holding Holder and Clinton accountable. I’m sure Hillary feels bad where ever she is. Not.

She’s alive and well.

And eyeing the White House.




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