House of Representatives to the Public: We’re Going to Keep an Eye on You

Posted on July 25, 2013. Filed under: Government | Tags: , |

Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

Amidst all the hubbub of the “royal baby” and more serious issues getting drowned out in the noise, like the IRS scandal, which is getting ever closer to the White House, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, and the NSA spying scandal, the House of Representatives failed to pass a bill which would restrict the abilities of the NSA to collect data on private citizens has gone largely unnoticed and unreported.

You didn’t hear about that? That’s because the news media was too busy fawning over the royal baby.

Even the Drudge Report made no mention of it, prompting a friend to ask, ” so if a Republican does it, that makes it okay?”

He has a point. It doesn’t matter if it is the Republicans or the Democrats, wrong is wrong.

The government has taken the tact that they have to have all these records and databases just in case you do something wrong.

The Portland Police have taken to snapping thousands of pictures of cars and license plates, just in case there is a shooting and the shooter tries to drive away.

We need to register all your weapons just in case someone gets shot.

We need to have the ability to snoop on law abiding citizens, just in case they are thinking of committing a crime.

Anti-big government and outgoing Representative Michelle Bachmann voted against the Amash amendment, as did leadership on both sides of the aisle. The amendment failed by 12 votes.

Softer language to be sure, but tyranny is tyranny.

How long until we start getting into Minority Report territory?

How long before we institute Thoughtcrime?

It also disturbs me that there is an advertisement on the radio expressing support for the Constitution, the document that is the source of all our rights.

Rights do not come from a piece of paper, but from our Creator.

This is how people lose their way. Enough people hear this, and begin to believe that our rights are granted by the government, which has the power to take them away. Government can try to take our rights away, but they have no authority to do so. I will always have the right to speak my mind, even if the government thinks otherwise.

I have the right to a (government controlled) education. I have the right to live.

Often, our rights are at cross purposes with the government, and are a hindrance to government.

But the House of Representatives showed that they are the new Federalists, the ones who don’t care what the people think. Despite 53% of people surveyed who worry that the NSA surveillance goes too far.

Some people are fine with the NSA spying, saying if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about.

But what about things that aren’t illegal, but you would rather people not know what a kinky bastard you are? The government is working towards gathering that information, and if you think for a second that at some point the government won’t use that information against us, you are delusional.

Of course, it’s easy for them.

They aren’t the ones being spied on.


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Reblogged this on Reality Check and commented:
Yeah, we know how bloody important a royal baby prince is – after all, he will rule over us when he’s king. Oh, wait, we’re not under British Rule any more, we threw off those chains a long time ago, so we can have the chains of a Marxist “Africa-american” thrown on. Never mind….

Oh, it’s not just him. In order for him to accomplish anything of importance, he has to have a willing Congress. They will fight him on things like Obamacare, but will smile, shake his hand and pat him on the back if it is anything that shreds the Constitution.

It’s not just him, them, it’s US. We aren’t making a loud enough stink about the “fake scandals” apparently.

It’s time to start demanding these people be brought before a commission to the bottom of the lying. But obfuscation seems to be the tactic of the day, and apparently most of Congress is too STUPID to see the left hand waving while the right hand hides things.

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